Our goal is to improve the quality of life for our canine friends. This unique therapy can help accelerate healing and recovery.
Our qualified Bowen Practitioner is Certified in Canine Bowen Therapy, Therapeutic Handling for Canine Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy and Canine Biomechanics. We proudly hold memberships with the IICT (International Institute of complementary therapies) and ACRA (Australian Canine Rehabilitation Assosiation). Additionally, we come highly recommended by Dachshund IVDD Support Australia (DISA) and Long Dogs WA.
Canine Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive, gentle therapy, which can enhance your dog’s wellbeing and quality of life. Bowen Therapy for dogs assists injury recovery, promotes good health, and improves mobility. As with people, when an animal has an injury, illness or has experienced trauma, the body begins to develop compensatory patterns of use to avoid further discomfort or pain.
Feel free to contact us with any enquiries you may have about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.
Canine Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive, gentle therapy, which can enhance your dog’s wellbeing and quality of life. Bowen Therapy for dogs assists injury recovery, promotes good health, and improves mobility.
0439 629 664
13 Nuytsia Place, Perth, WA
Copyrights © All Right Reserved - Canine Muscle Therapy- 2025