Canine Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive, gentle therapy, which can enhance your dog’s well being and quality of life. Bowen Therapy for dogs assists injury recovery, promotes good health and improves mobility.
As with people, when an animal has an injury, illness or has experienced trauma, the body begins to develop compensatory patterns of use to avoid further discomfort or pain. If left untreated these patterns of use start to interfere with the wellbeing and function of the body over time. In addition, sometimes behavioural issues (such as your dog being snappy around other dogs/people) this often can be a sign of pain or discomfort.
Canine Bowen Therapy is not massage but rather a technique which aims to stretch the soft tissues of the dog’s body – skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the connective tissue called fascia. This technique is applied directly to specific areas of the body to stimulate the nervous system which then sends messages to the brain to encourage the body to restore balance and help heal itself. Bowen therapy helps to rehydrate the fascia, resulting in a more mobile animal. It is a physical and an energetic treatment due to influencing the meridians and acupuncture points when treating specific areas on the dog’s body.
During a treatment, short rest periods will be applied between sets of moves to give the dog’s body time to process the information received during stimulating the nervous system. All treatments are tailored to the dog’s needs and never rushed or forced on the dog.
Treatments are generally done 1 week apart to let the dog’s body process the changes from the previous treatment. The number of treatments will depend how the dog responds to Bowen therapy and whether their injury or illness is chronic or acute.
Depending on age, health, weight, medication, time of injury, illness or behaviour, Bowen can be applied as a full holistic or remedial treatment.
Every animal is unique, so responses to treatments vary. If you’ve ever had a session, you’ll know how good it feels too, so it’s no wonder that dogs love receiving it!
Feel free to contact us with any enquiries you may have about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.
Canine Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive, gentle therapy, which can enhance your dog’s wellbeing and quality of life. Bowen Therapy for dogs assists injury recovery, promotes good health, and improves mobility.
0439 629 664
13 Nuytsia Place, Perth, WA
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